Strike Force Heroes Wiki

P99 Game Stats

P99 in-game picture.

Cost: 4,925
Slot: Secondary
Type: Pistol
Soldier: All
Extra effects: None
Damage: 42
Accuracy: 70%
Range: 33 ft
Fire Rate: 4 rps
Ammo: 12x6

SFH2 P99

P99 in-game picture.

Cost: Varies
Slot: Secondary
Type: Pistol
Soldier: All
Extra effects: Single Fire
Damage: Medium-low
Accuracy: Medium-high
Range: Medium-low
Fire Rate: Medium-low
Ammo: 9x5


P99 in-game picture.

Cost: Varies
Slot: Secondary
Type: Pistol
Soldier: All except Juggernaut, Mercenary
Extra effects: Low Detection
Impact: 15
Fire Rate: 12
Accuracy: 75
Ammo: 10x Infinite

Not to be confused with the P90.

The Walther P99 is a Pistol available as a secondary weapon in all three Strike Force Heroes games.


Strike Force Heroes[]

It is unlocked at Rank 35 and costs $4,925 to use.

The P99 is the last incarnation of all low-caliber pistols and the M1911. It shares all aspects with every one of its fellow Pistols, with one exception, the only value that changes: Damage. The P99 deals 42 damage. It deals moderate damage, has good accuracy, and has a good clip size. These factors basically have no downsides, making this a great weapon when out of ammo. The P99 is great choice if you are playing assassin with a primary melee weapon

Strike Force Heroes 2[]

The weapon doesn't change as much as in the previous version, being a good choice for a secondary slot. By default, the General is equipped with this weapon.

Strike Force Heroes 3[]

The P99 comes with a suppressor by default. It still has moderate damage for pistols, with good accuracy and fire rate as well. Its Custom version, the License to Kill, is an excellent compliment to a sniper rifle as it can inflict a lot of damage through headshots with its high accuracy.



  • It is known in real life as the Walther P99.
    • The wiki page for the P99 can be reached here.

