Dex, the Mercenary profile. He's actually holding an M60.
- "Go ahead, make my day!"
- - The Mercenary
The Mercenary is a new class in Strike Force Heroes 2 replacing the Commando from the original Strike Force Heroes. Armed with Machine Guns and Explosives, the Mercenary can also power himself up with his Killstreaks.
The Mercenary's default weapons are an MK 48 and a Kriss Kard.
Playstyle: Heavy Weapons/Lone Wolf[]
"With heavy machine guns and explosives, Dex's combat style only benefits himself. By powering himself up in various ways, he can easily overcome enemy forces, even when outnumbered."
-Profile description ingame
The Mercenary has the highest Ammo and the second highest health of all classes. His accuracy is average but his critical hit chance is very low.
- Unlike the Commando, the Mercenary works for himself, which is powerful against an enemy. However, this also means he is not good at supporting other teammates.
- Using the No Sweat skill allows the player to be more reckless with explosive weaponry, even at point blank range.
- Both Scavenger and Ammo Feed are excellent choices for letting the Mercenary constantly fire with Machine Guns, improving his offensive capabilities.
- The Death Wizard Killstreak synergizes greatly with powerful, single-shot Rocket Launchers such as the RPG, Stinger, or Javelin.
- With such a naturally high Ammo stat, seeking out Ammo pickups on the map is not nearly as important as with most other classes.
- The Mercenary's helmets have several references to their appearances:
- The Lion appears very similar to Captain Price, a character from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.
- The Hogan is based off of Hulk Hogan, an American professional wrestler.
- The Snake is based off of Solid Snake from the Metal Gear Solid franchise.
- The Rambo body is a reference to the Rambo character from the franchise of the same name.