Strike Force Heroes Wiki


The Magic Wand is a Secret Weapon that can be obtained in-game by the Gun Game or Fiesta modifier, or in certain challenges. Like all other challenge-only weapons, the Magic Wand cannot be brought from the store-- however, it can be obtained via hacks.


When used, the Magic Wand will fire an explosive projectile, causing some splash damage upon impact with a solid object and inflicting a random status effect on any players nearby-- It can be noted that using the No Sweat skill will allow for close combat without risk of explosive damage, although the player will still experience said status effect.

Magic Wand

Magic Wand in-game picture.

Cost: N/A
Slot: Primary
Type: Special
Soldier: General
Extra effects: Random
Damage: 84.5
Accuracy: 66%
Range: 36 ft
Fire Rate: 4.1 rps
Ammo: -

