Strike Force Heroes Wiki

MK 14
SFH2 MK 14

MK 14 in-game picture.

Cost: Varies
Slot: Primary
Type: Sniper
Soldier: Sniper
Extra effects: Semi Auto

+50% Headshot Damage, +50% Vision

Damage: Medium-high
Accuracy: High
Range: Very high
Fire Rate: Medium
Ammo: 6x3

MK 14

MK 14 in-game picture.

Cost: Varies
Slot: Primary
Type: Sniper
Soldier: Sniper, Gunslinger
Extra effects: Most Accurate
Impact: 20
Fire Rate: 15
Accuracy: 90
Ammo: 12x2


Strike Force Heroes 2[]

The MK 14 is a Sniper usable by the Sniper. It is a semi-auto rifle with good accuracy, range, and damage, making it one of the best in its class. It is used by the Sniper Globex Leader clone in the final campaign mission of Strike Force Heroes 2, alongside a Raffica.

Strike Force Heroes 3[]

This semi-automatic rifle is one of the faster firing snipers in the game, beat only by the G36R. It's the cross between traditional high-damage and automatic long ranged weapons.

Overall though, its damage is among the lowest in its class - and coupled with the low attack speed, it's best to engage with enemies who won't be returning the fire, because you will be out gunned in closer-ranged fights with most other weapons.

The Custom version is called the Marksman. It is indeed, a very precise weapon. It has "Perfect Accuracy", meaning bullets will go wherever the user aims, only barely affected by recoil.



Must be one really effective scope!

