Strike Force Heroes Wiki

Five Seven
SFH2 Five Seven

Five Seven in-game picture.

Cost: Varies
Slot: Secondary
Type: Pistol
Soldier: All
Extra effects: Single Fire
Damage: Medium-low
Accuracy: Medium-high
Range: Medium-low
Fire Rate: Medium
Ammo: 10x5

Five Seven

Five Seven in-game picture.

Cost: Varies
Slot: Secondary
Type: Pistol
Soldier: All except Juggernaut and Mercenary
Extra effects: Fastest Fire Rate, Burst Fire
Impact: 4
Fire Rate: 24
Accuracy: 60
Ammo: 12x Infinite

The FN Five-seveN, or just Five-Seven, is a pistol secondary available in Strike Force Heroes 2 and Strike Force Heroes 3.


Strike Force Heroes 2[]

The Five Seven is a weapon that comes with basic stats and is equally comparable to the USP. The Sniper comes with a Five Seven by default.

Strike Force Heroes 3[]

The Five Seven is now a burst-fire weapon. This burst fire increases its rate of fire to make it the fastest of all pistols during the burst, but there is still a burst delay. It is, however outclassed by the TAC 45 in all other areas. It still can be a useful secondary for single-fire primaries like snipers.

The custom version, the Popper, fires five round bursts. However, these bursts can overlap, leading to heightened rate of fire.

