Strike Force Heroes Wiki

Each soldier seen in Strike Force Heroes are defined with a Class system, each with their specialties and weaknesses in battle.

Strike Force Heroes 1[]

There are 4 playable classes in SFH. Each of them have their own special skills and attributes.

Strike Force Heroes 2[]

There are also 5 classes of SFH 2. All of them have their own personal playstyles, looks, and skills as well.

  • Engineer - A balanced soldier, he builds machines that can cause some serious damage.
  • Mercenary - A one-man-army, he uses streaks and skills that benefit him only.
  • General - A noble man, his streaks benefit the entire team.
  • Sniper - A long-distance shooter, his sniping skills prove strong against all classes. His killstreaks aid his sniping skills. Upgrade his levels to kill targets in one shot.
  • Juggernaut - A short-distance fighter, he has skills and streaks that bring more defense to him.

Strike Force Heroes 3[]

There are 9 classes in SFH 3, with recurring classes and some classes as combinations of classes from previous games.
