Strike Force Heroes Remastered is released!
The remake of the same name has been released! Get it on Steam!
Strike Force Heroes Remastered Demo
The demo release of the remastered is out!
Play the 4 missions on Steam!
Sky9 is back & SFH: Remastered Collection
Hello, gamers of SFH and editors
In March 22, 2021, The creators of Raze games, and Strike Force Heroes games are back (and alive) and they are going to remastered the SFH games on Reddit!
SFH Prequel Project!
Hello all,
There is a project for an SFH prequel focusing on the origins of Alpha Squad, meeting in the midst of WWIII operations. Made by a Filipino gamedev, and as a half-Filipino, it is my sworn duty to aid all fellow Filipinos in good plans. for suggesting ideas and checking out development progress.
SFH4 Reveal!
Hello everyone,
It's come to my attention that while Sky9 has been unable to update their blog for technical purposes and have been off their YT channel for some time, they did say in an email that they were alive and since AKQ got a little taken over by publishers, they wanted to return to their roots of fast-paced shooters.
Well, here it is, for console.... Strike Force Heroes 4. Going in the same, Metal Slug-inspired artwork, SFH4 plans on designing more squat character designs, and a new pixelated bit style to fir the console theme a little more.
In terms of plot, GlobeX's HQ has just been located, and it's a race to get there first! Unfortunately... GlobeX is pretty heavily defended. Hope you've got your guns ready, because that scientist h…
Flash is Usable
Yes you heard that right, Adobe Flash Player is STILL usable. I will show you how to use it now this year and possibly next year.
- Enable Flash Player
- A prompt will appear saying that "Flash Player is outdated".
- Select 'Run this time'
- Enjoy your Flash content!
I actually just found this out a couple weeks ago, and I am surprised that Adobe hasn't kept this hidden. (Tbh I believe this Unity remake would end up being a waste because I.. I mean we can still play SFH 1, 2, and 3 because of this blog post that says that Flash Player is still usable). Anyways, enjoy Flash Player while it lasts, I can't guarantee it will.
SFHU Discord
As of the time I'm writing this, there is an SFH remake in place. While some of the details are unknown, it plans to remaster SFH1, with multiplayer for console and online planned. Here's the Discord, if you wanna help out.
We're hosting a competition!
Write any fiction about SFH, from a long and detailed piece on some lore you've made up for a character, or a funny short story about interactions between Alpha squad members and faulty GlobeX clones. You can include content from all the games, even Extraction, if you really wanted to. There's no length or words requirement, so you can go crazy with whatever format you like.
Join our unofficial sfh server and submit the best stories and shorts you can think of!
DM us your entries as a sharable link (basically, anyone with the link can access it) to a Google Doc with commenting permissions on when you're finished. Feel free to ask questions and get support on your writing.
rocket jumping
someone please if you remaster the games adding rocket jumping also if you remake the second game add a shovel melee as a secondary
OP SFH Mod (Updated)
"If everything is OP, then nothing is."
Mod that made all weapons, skills, and killstreaks OP. Increased the skill curve, difficulty, and replayability of the game. Also corrected typos and attempted to fix some programming errors.
SFH Remix
I rebalanced everything in the game and made both the campaign and challenge difficulties live up to their recommended levels. idk where to post it tho once I'm done testing.
Flash is shutting down! Noooo!
It's completely stupid that Flash Player is shutting down, but there's a good reason for it. Because you know those open standards HTML5, WebGL, and WebAssembly? Well they've 'matured' over the past few years, and because of that, Flash Player is shutting down. I sure will miss Flash games like Strike Force Heroes. It was my favorite game back in 2014. Well, goodbye Flash Player, we will miss you,
im new here
hey guys I'd like to say this if you didn't read the wall all my avatar photos are from madness combat a gruesome series of animations story by krinkles music cheshyre i'm not sure about any others but check out the games they made madness project nexus and project nexus 2 which is in beta
An In-Depth Review of Strike Force Heroes 3
Okay, just kidding. This is actually gonna be a somewhat in depth review of my feelings of the... Maligned Strike Force Heroes 3. I'm gonna talk about what I feel it did right, and what I feel it did wrong. Because believe it or not, I do feel as though SFH3 did SOME things right. So let's begin.
also fair warning there's gonna be swearing up the ass
So SFH3 may be a soulless and crap game compared to its predecessors, but did it do anything important for the series that advanced and improved gameplay even slightly? Well, yes, actually.
One thing I'm very glad they fixed in this game is how inventories work. In SFH2, your inventory for a class was tied to that class. So say my General has a Perfect Flawless Sexy Butt Fucker +2000%…
Help pages
Here I'm just starting a list of pages that have something stopping them from being useful pages.
These pages requre things like more imformation, images, cleaning up or even just need to exist.
Mainly is weapons that need stratigy and tactics detail, theres gotta be more than just point and shoot.
If you fix a page here, make a comment so it can be removed from the list. Feel free to suggest a page that needs help as well.
... (will anyone even read this?)
- 1 Strike Force Heroes
- 2 Strike Force Heroes 2
- 3 Strike Force Heroes 3
- 4 Other
Many weapons have stats missing and some killstricks and skills have the wrong template, will get to it sooner or later
- 1216 - Needs background and tactics
- ACR - Needs tactics
- ARX 160 - Needs tactics
- AK 12 - Needs tactics
- Barre…
How to Play SFH Offline
Hi guys, M16 here telling ya'll how to play SFH offline whilst still keeping your online progress. I don't know about you guys, but my internet is terrible. A factor that led me to research playing SFH offline. When Playing offline you don't have to wait for it to load, it plays faster and you can play it anywhere without a connection.
First download the game from here I have used it for a while and on multiple viruses. :D You will also need the standalone flash player which you can get here:
For Windows (8mb)
For Mac (13Mb)
For Linux (5Mb)
After you install the flash player you open SFH with the open button in the top of the player. Click browse, locate the game (probably in your downloads) and open it with it.
I'm back!
Thanks everyone for supporting this wiki while I was gone. Work was piling up, so I didn't have the chance to come back until now.
You might have noticed I joined other wikis while I was away. Congratulations to everyone who helped this wiki without reminders.
Arsenal Research
List of the weapons:
USP - HK USP 9 (Heckler and Koch Universal Self-loading Pistol 9mm)
Beretta - Beretta M9
Socom - Colt OHWS USSOCOM (Offensive Handgun Weapon System, United States Special Operations COMmand)
M1911 - Colt M1911
P99 - Walther P99
Desert Eagle - IMI(IWI) Desert Eagle .50 AE (Israel Military/Weapons Industries)
Raffica - Beretta M93 Raffica
Uzi - Uzi (Named Uzi, but it looks like an Ingram MAC-10 more than Uzi)
Skorpion - Skorpion vz. 61
Glock 18 - Glock 18
Patriot - (Looks like a mauser, but it`s automatic in the game)
Cyclone - The "Cyclone" from another game
AKS 74 - Kalashnikov AKS74
UMP - HK UMP .45 (Universal Machine-Pistol .45 ACP)
MP5 - HK MP5 K PDW (Machine-Pistol 5th generation Kurz/short Personal Defense Weapon)
Vector - Kris…
Page Creating
Hi guys!
Some pages are missing in this wiki. How do you create pages? I have plenty of Commando Loadouts, so please help.
Medic Loadouts
Assassin Loadouts
Tank Loadouts
Hi people!
I have noticed that sometimes, on other wikis, you will be blocked for adding small edits (e.g. a comma) and getting blocked. On the top right-hand corner, there is a box saying 'Minor Edit'. Click on it and I think this will improve the situation.
The Medals
Hi people! Today, I just got the 'The End?' medal with Level 47 Commando. I have got 'Streaking', 'Skilled' and 'Human Plug'. What are the other Secret medals? I really got the Sky9 mod and 'Pack Mule' and nothing else.
Level 13 Medic (516/547) ??????
Level 15 Assassin (483/715) ??????
Level 47 Commando (240/6667) Good
Level 15 Tank (494/715) ?????
I HAVE been trying to level up on Medic with the Sky9 on Custom Game but lost more xp than I earned. Can anyone give tips? Thanks! P.S. I am good at almost all levels, including Challenges, so if you need any help, ask me.
Happy New Year!
Hello Strike Force Heroes fans,
There has't been any activity since 2013 (Dec. 31 to be precise), so for those of you who are here, have a happy new year! :)
Thanks for everyone who's helped expanding the SFH wiki in 2013, and it would be great to see how the wiki grows in 2014.
Penguin-Pal (talk) 20:09, January 3, 2014 (UTC)
I'm sorry that I haven't been contributing lately. However, it's been hard to contribute. I want to contribute, but the fact that there is so much to fix, and no one is really helping, it kinda ruins the mood to contribute. Not to mention real life happenings going on and keeping me from touching this computer.
So, yeah. I'm kinda being a wuss, asking people to help me with the wiki, but... It would be better if there were more GOOD contributors.
Separation between SFH2 wiki and this wiki?
This wiki is about Strike Force Heroes 1, and, likewise, the SFH2 wiki is about Strike Force Heroes 2, and, as such, this wiki should mainly be about SFH1. I say we remove most pages about SFH2.
However, we can still keep the SFH2 page and images, and we can include information about what changed in SFH2, what reappeared in SFH2, etc.
Here's the plan
To fix up the majority of the pages, I thought up of a plan.
Whenever available, I highly suggest that you click "Random Page" and fix it up. It doesn't necessarily have to be a BIG edit, but just a good one.
Fixing grammar, messing around to make the page look better, adding photos and categories, all that junk.
Get it, got it?
This wiki, and the other Sky9 wikis are ugly.
All of the Sky9 wikis have a lot of ugly pages, pages that need to be deleted, unfinished pages that no one will bother finishing, and a lot of uncreated pages no one will bother creating, and the SFH2 wiki even has a fucking joke page.
I want you all to go to the Madness Combat Wiki. I want you to read it, examine it, and take examples from it. I want the wikis' templates based on the MCW's templates, I want the wikis organized like the MCW, and, well, just overall based on the MCW, and the wikis will look a lot better.
I also want you guys to take examples from the Fig Hunter Wiki. That wiki is at a similar level of maintenance as the MCW, but that has some things that the MCW doesn't, and vice versa.
Now, I am not saying I want you guys to …
Weapon ideas
I just saw a video showing the PPSh-41, a sub machine gun with an insane rof that has been around since WW2, so i thought it would be awesome if it appeared in SFH2. If not, i hope it would be in the next of the SFH series :P
Anyway, does any of you have weapon ideas for SFH/ another Sky9 game? Is it based on an actual weapon, or a custom weapon that you thought of? Please write your opinions below :)
Posting date: 17:36, June 11, 2013 (UTC)
Greeting Posts
Why is it that I create all of the greeting posts?
(The "Hi, thanks for your edit on the blablabla page! thing.)
I wanted to ask- does anyone have some good tips for the mission Pacifism (Mission #8 of Challenges mode, SFH2)? The best i could have got there is 60 points or so, yet i can't get any closer to 75 on time.
Penguin-Pal (talk) 16:17, April 20, 2013 (UTC)
SFH2 Wiki
As some of you are aware, I have made a SFH2 Wiki. We've had some discussion about the whole wiki thing, and we at the SFH2 wiki have added links to this wiki from ours. If you could do the same, like add a link in the Related Wikis section in the Navigation bar, that would be very much appreciated.
Here's a link to our wiki btw:
SFH2 articles
I wanted to ask if SFH2 articles are allowed in the wiki (weapons, features, etc.). I wanted to ask as before Raze 2 was released, Chihang and Platinum made a second wiki, so i wanted to ask if this is the proper place, or you were about to made another wiki for that.
It seems like there are some articles related to SFH2, but i just wanted to be sure.
Hell Yeah: Release of SFH 2
Let me first start with this: There's some inappropriate language here.
To all you complaining idiots who kept asking for the game when it was going to come out soon: IT'S OUT. ARE YOU HAPPY? YE BE DAMNED.
Anyways, I cannot believe the game. It's absolutely amazing. It's almost everything I could expect in a game... AND SOME!
But you guys know what this means. Yeah, that's right. Heavy-ass editing here. There's gonna be a bunch of shit going on down until the editing is complete.
Surely, we've already got several things done, but we need more. LET'S DO THIS!
Just a thought, on Raze two wiki (yea, the wiki that needs a massive clean-up) one of the most edited and popular pages, we might be able to bring it here. It is called "Interesting..." and lists all the "interseting" things, ranging from typos that the producers made, to massive glitches, and how to perform them.
If we decide to add that in, make sure annonymous users can't edit it, as well as being one of the most popular and edited pages on the previous wiki, it is also one of the most vunerable to spamming, fake information, and vandalism. So if we decide to add that in, keep a close eye on it. So the big question is: should we make an "Interesting..." page with all the typos, and glitches we found.
Please comment below with your opinion…
I'm hopefully returning here for good :)
Hey all, because of the lack of admin activity and so forth, I have decided to try and be active here for the sake of countering vandalism, spam, etc. Also, because of that lack of admin activity (or vitually none), I'm pretty sure I will need to promote someone else to admin but I prefer to stick around for a while before bringing it up officially.
Anyway, moving onto a new topic, Strike Force Heroes was meant to be released on March 7 but it was delayed til March 21 because of online saving difficulties, still, I'm really looking forward to the game and by the looks of the gameplay videos on the Sky9 forums, everything seems to otherwise be in perfect working order.
Sorry for my abrupt absence previously but I'll strive to work on here pro…
Let's Clean Up/SFH-2
Hey, Rocky here. We need to clean up this Wiki! We won't let the other Wiki win, right? So, get off your lazy butts and help me out. We will have a discussion on to try to organize who is cleaning what, understood? Also, we need a select few to start making SFH-2 Pages and Content. We have plenty of pics, let's start making pages. Move!
Quick Question to Admins
Hey, does anyone know how to change the name of a page?
The page "Jyn,the Sniper" name is REALLY ticking me off.
Strike Force Heroes 2: Dawnguard
Hello there, if you are reading this, even if your Sky9 Games yourself, this should be a intresting concept. Write in the comments below on what you think of this cool concept!
Opens on July 13th, 2135, Two years later after the events of the first game (the first game's year was revealed to be June 10th, 2132), the Globex Leader (who was revealed to be in identity, Garthur Bladethroat), now badly burned from side of his face (similar to Freddy Krueger from the "A Nightmare on Elm Street series) with the Scientist who's name is Charles Williams, a former scientist of Globex who has revealed to be corrupted by Globex. With the remaining infection from the previous game, they pour it down a pit where prisoned Strike Forces has became into hid…
Cleaning up Progress
As of now, I have cleaned up:
AA 12
AKS 74
AK 47
Adrenaline (Added SkillNavBar)
Air Strike
Ammo Feed
Page Layouts
We seriously need to decide on a page layout for the pages. While cleaning up the pages, I found that different pages have different layouts, and it really irks me.
what kind of layout should we have?
So we know that Strike Force Heroes 2 is coming soon (I hope very soon), what kind of features do you want to see in it?
Personally still want the overpowered rocket launchers. I like the new flawless/rusted/etc kind of thing (reminds me of potential in MapleStory) and the random stats (Kid Icarus: Uprising, anyone?)
Also, I hope it has global save. But if not, then I will just play praying my save doesn't get wiped out unlike SFH
Are Melee weapons Effective
It has come to light that Melee weapons may be a feckless method of weapons ,as their seriously restricted range allows them to be exposed to enemy fire for a greater period of time.Who agrees?
Stay or go?
Okay, this is not about anyone, it's just, that I saw some big wikis. They have game series, like bloons 1, bloons 2, etc. They share the same wiki instead of going to bloons 2 wiki. So, using this thought, I was thinking, should we divert off to another wiki for SFH2 or stay on the same wiki? (Or perhaps, if stay, we might be able to make a redirect to this wiki when people type in or Please vote!
Ok, so I have been really inactive for a very long time. So today I might as well tell you guys why I 'forgot' about this wiki.?
So mainly I was disappointed with the game's save function. Mainly its inability for a global save. Sure, its fun to play, but I don't want to spend all my time replaying levels for cash to buy the Striker for my tank. (BTW: with the striker, you can finish the game easily. Give it a shot.) So I was happily playing one day, then discovered that my save had been wiped out. I had finished the whole game, including challenges. I haven't bought all the weapons, but I wanted to. So from that day on I couldn't really do anything to contribute, partly due to my laziness of having to replay the whole game, partly out of d…
Classes of Strike Force Heroes 2
We have to Edit the "Classes of SFH-2", it doesn't include THE MERCENARY.
Becoming Inactive
Alright, I admit it, I lost interest in the wiki.
I will return when SFH2 comes out. :P
Hi guys sorry for the inactivity since the last couple (a lot) of months. Schoolwork has been piling up, and I apologize for being so inactive. So because the End Of Year Exams are OVER, I can finally start being active again. Yes good job to whoever replaced the logo. Its looking awesome. Also, nice formatting for the headbars. But enough technical stuff. I am back! What stuff should I do now?