Strike Force Heroes Wiki

AK 12
SFH2 AK 12

AK 12 in-game picture.

Cost: Varies
Slot: Primary
Type: Assault Rifle
Soldier: Engineer
Extra effects: 2-Round Burst
Damage: Medium-low
Accuracy: Medium
Range: Medium-low
Fire Rate: Medium-low
Ammo: 30x3

AK 12

AK 12 in-game picture.

Cost: Varies
Slot: Primary
Type: Rifle
Soldier: Engineer, Medic
Extra effects: Highest Impact
Impact: 12
Fire Rate: 27
Accuracy: 60
Ammo: 32x2


Strike Force Heroes 2[]

The AK 12 is an Assault Rifle usable by the Engineer. It is a two-round burst weapon, It's stats are so-so, and the two round burst somewhat limits its offensive capabilities compared to other assault rifles in the game.

Strike Force Heroes 3[]

With the fastest rate of fire and good damage, the AK12 in the third game is one of the most useful assault rifles. Its best to aim for body shots with this weapon, because it has the least accuracy in its class.

Its custom version, the Iron Curtain, has a chance to poison its target.



  • This appears to be the standard rifle of GlobeX, as there is an army amassed wielding this weapon in front of their base in SFH3's intro cutscene.
  • The AK-12 depicted in both games is the 2012 prototype version, which also appeared in several games, though the weapon in SFH3 has an AKM-styled handguard instead of its own proprietary handguard.
    • In SFH2, this would also mean that the weapon incorrectly fires in two-round bursts instead of three-round bursts in real life. However, this is correct with the current production models of the AK-12. In either case, the weapon correctly fires in full-auto in SFH3.

